01462 436963 


HVS Healthy Pet Sheme has been designed in order to provide preventative annual healthcare for your animals at a discounted price covering vaccines, worm and flea treatments. In addition to these there are further discounts on routine services such as consults, dentistry and microchipping indicated further down. Listed below are the monthly premiums: 
Small breed (4 – 10kg) 
Medium breed (10 – 25kg) 
Large breed (25-40kg) 
Extra large breed (40+kg) 


Infections caused by lungworm are now considered an emerging disease within canines, which if left untreated, can be potentially fatal. Prinovox, the product dispensed under the scheme provides an effective way to treat and prevent lungworm. Under the scheme your pet will be entitled to 12 months worth of flea and worming treatment which will be dispensed at each health assessments to cover your pet until they are next seen 
Puppies and kittens will receive quarterly health assessments (up until their first booster) where they will receive a full health assessment and weigh in. This is essential in the first year as they are continuously developing; therefore it is a perfect way to ensure your pet is receiving the correct treatment for their weight range. Adult pets and rabbits will receive the same health assessments but bi-annually 
Rabbits enrolled under the scheme will be dispensed rear guard, a treatment used in the prevention of fly strike to be applied twice yearly by a nurse 
Annual vaccinations will be covered under the scheme if your pet has been enrolled for at least 3 months. If you decide to join the scheme on the day of your booster or are starting a course (in the case of puppies and kittens) then you will be entitled to a 20% discount 
Hill’s and Wafcol food at cost price 
15% discount on consultations, microchipping, kennel cough and rabies vaccines, neutering, pre- anaesthetic blood testing and dental procedures 
Free of charge nurse consults and nail clipping 


Fleas are a major cause of skin disease which can ultimately cause flea bite dermatitis and flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Fleas live in the environment and are well adapted to carpeted floors and central heating allowing development of fleas all year round, meaning it is important to implement a control programme throughout the whole year. 


Puppies/Kittens – First vaccinations should be given at 8 – 9 weeks, and a second vaccination given at 12 weeks. 1 week after the second vaccination your pet will be fully vaccinated providing cover up until your next yearly vaccination. Additionally, we advise for all dogs to be covered against Kennel Cough, a highly contagious disease which unlike the name suggests can be caught within any canine environment.  
Rabbit’s first vaccinations can be given from 5 weeks of age, covering Viral Haemorrhagic Disease and Myxomatosis. 
Dog vaccines protect against Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis and Hepatitis 
Cat vaccines provide immunity against Enteritis, Flu and Leukaemia. 


Regular worm control is necessary in preventing a range of health problems not only for your pet, but also yourself and family members. Cats and dogs therefore need to be routinely wormed and these timeframes can be dependent on both the product used and the pet’s lifestyle (for example whether the pet hunts). 



Prinovox is a single spot on treatment effective against fleas, mites, lice and different types of worms. It is a licensed product used for dogs, cats and ferrets applied once a month to the skin on the back of the neck, or in several spots dependent on the animal’s body weight. Imidacloprid targets fleas and lice, which spreads over the lipid layer of the animal’s skin meaning that the fleas do not have to bite the pet in order to be affected (ultimately reducing the chance of disease transmission), whereas Moxidectin penetrates the skin and enters the blood stream to target worms and mites. As indicated below, Prinovox covers the broadest spectrum of internal and external parasites as opposed to other products on the market. To learn more about this product please click here


Droncit is used for the treatment of adult tapeworms in both cats and dogs and is effective against both immature and mature forms of tapeworm. Droncit come in a tablet form, or there is a spot on treatment also available for cats. It is important to note that fleas serve as an intermediate host for one of the common types of tapeworm, therefore it is paramount that both flea and tapeworm control are carried out simultaneously. 
For more information or to sign up for the Healthy Pet Scheme call 01462436963